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UNC 技术 Rooms and 实验室

Information Management & 技术 maintains and supports over 400 technology equipped teaching and learning spaces. IM&T works with representatives from each college to design and implement the technology and software in each space. IM&T along with the Academic Schedulers and Academic 技术 Advisory Group have created standard classifications for class房间 和实验室 and audio visual technology utilized in the spaces. 下面 on the left is a description of the classroom 和实验室 based on how the space is scheduled. On the right is a description of the Audio Visual 技术 available in class房间 和实验室.

Teaching in a room that needs updated technology? 

Academic 技术 Advisory Group (ATAG) is a University-wide committee that meets regularly to review IM&T Project Requests, including classroom refresh projects. If you would like to submit a request for a room upgrade, please complete the ATAG Project Request Survey. 

ATAG Project Request Survey

Room Classifications:

  • Reserved only for classes and events
  • Scheduled through 25 live as S25 Facilities
  • A / V设备
  • Windows or Apple Podium Computer Only
  • College Specific Software
  • Extended Hours for general student use
  • Not Schedulable for Classes or Events
  • 不在25分钟内
  • 无A/V设备
  • 混合使用Windows & 苹果电脑
  • Expanded Software
  • Hours match building hours for general student use
  • Schedulable for single classes or events with IM&T批准
  • A / V设备 where appropriate
  • Windows or 苹果电脑
  • College Specific Software
  • Reserved only for classes and events
  • Scheduled through 25 live as S25 Facilities
  • A / V设备
  • Windows or Apple Podium and Student Computers
  • College Specific Software
Specialized 开放实验室
  • College or program determines schedule
  • Schedule classes and events tracked through 25 Live as Non S25 Facilities
  • A / V设备 where appropriate
  • Windows or 苹果电脑
  • Program Specific Software
  • Open for general student use when not scheduled
  • Scheduled through college or program
Specialized Dedicated Lab
  • College or program determines schedule
  • Schedule classes and events tracked through 25 Live as Non S25 Facilities
  • A / V设备 where appropriate
  • Windows or 苹果电脑
  • Program Specific Software
  • Open for general student use when not scheduled*
  • Scheduled through college or program

A/V 技术 Classification:


的se 房间 have a full sized podium, connectivity for a personal device, a permanent workstation, and a document camera. This room is best designed for traditional the "lecture at the front" classroom setup. It also provides more workspace at 在讲台上 but less flexibility. 所有 projector/screen functions are handled at 在讲台上.

Mobile Podium Rooms

的se 房间 have a mobile podium, connectivity for a personal device, a permanent workstation, and a document camera. 所有 projector/screen functions are handled at 在讲台上. This allows for flexibility in the space by providing the lecturer the option to move 在讲台上 to gain teaching space. 的 podium is connected via several 长电缆.


的se 房间 provide a simple wall interface to connect to a lecturers device. 所有 projector and screen functionality happens automatically when the system detects a device has been connected. 的re is a timer that shuts down the system, and there is no on/off button.


的se 房间 do not match the standards of the other 房间 but have been updated from legacy configurations and may have special additions to the room that take into account the shape or functionality of the space.


Legacy 房间 were built before the standardization of classifications and equipment. Individual room pages will contain more information about the technology in these 房间.