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Harmony and Chelsie standing in front of a conference sign

Faculty Members 访问 the White 房子 to Discuss Inequities in STEMM

2024年白宫stem公平与卓越峰会:推动进步与繁荣 by 2050

四月底,地理、地理信息系统和可持续发展教授切尔西·罗慕洛博士.D., received an email that completely caught her off guard. 的 email was an invitation 在白宫获得了一流的教育和专业经验 房子.  

“I thought it was spam,” laughed Romulo. “的n I Googled the event, and it looked 就像真的一样,所以我立刻联系了我的团队,看看谁能加入我.” 

这是2024年白宫stem公平与卓越峰会的邀请。 Propelling Progress and Prosperity by 2050. 的 White 房子 Office of Science and Technology and PolicySTEMM Opportunity Alliance 共同主办此次活动,将多个行业的领导者聚集在一起进行讨论 如何增加stem(科学、技术、 Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine). 

邀请函为两个人提供了参加的空间,罗慕洛和另一位同事. Professor and Gender Studies Chair Harmony Newman, Ph.D., happily jumped on the opportunity to accompany Romulo. 

“It was so unexpected and surprising. It felt surreal,” Newman 说.  

的 pair was eager to share their expertise and knowledge on 莱戈股本 and to di讨论少数族裔社区如何在国家最高领导人的领导下从事stem职业 house and quickly arranged flights and hotels to the one-day event.  

“当天的前半天,我们听取了在政府、学术界、 私营部门和非营利组织都有这些与公平相关的惊人故事 或者克服与他们的身份有关的真正有压力的情况 become a leader,” 说 Romulo.  

当天下午晚些时候,与会者在不同的会议上爆发,罗慕洛和纽曼 chose to attend a session related to higher education.  

主持人讨论了培养每个孩子的好奇心,并为他们创造机会 都在高等教育中,这些都是崇高的目标,所以下一步是看看如何 this could be done,” Romulo 说.  

2022年,白宫科技与政策办公室和其他合作伙伴 launched the STEMM Opportunity Alliance comprising more than 200 organizations committed to aiding efforts to bolster equity in STEMM fields. 根据 director, the organizations have invested more than $2 billion toward these efforts.  

这一策略 因为这项计划基于五大支柱:参与、灵感、发现、 innovation and opportunity.  

“所以,对于我们高等教育来说,我们现在的任务是找到实施这些方法的方法 pillars,” Romulo 说. “Where Harmony and I come in as scholars who research STEMM 特别是高等教育的公平,我们需要弄清楚如何利用我们的 findings and our expertise so that we can make sure there is opportunity for all.” 

Lack of Minority Communities in STEMM 

根据 National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics到2021年,女性仅占STEM职业就业人数的三分之一(35%). 西班牙裔工人占STEM劳动力总数的15%,亚裔和黑人工人也占15% were 10% and 9%, respectively.  

Romulo saw gender gaps when she was in school. She received her bachelor’s degree 先是生物学,然后在研究生院攻读环境专业的自然资源管理 science and policy.  

“I had experiences where my entire committee was all white men because there were 该部门没有女性或有色人种拥有职位或专业知识 where they could be on my committee,” Romulo 说. “So, it’s very interesting coming into a field where I held a marginalized identity.” 

现在,作为一名教育工作者,Romulo可以专注于支持stem公平和 促进政策和实践,以缩小历史上的人的平等差距 been excluded, underserved and underrepresented in STEMM disciplines. 

Putting Thought into Action 

罗慕洛和纽曼都领导过外部资助的研究项目 莱戈股本. Currently, they are leading new grant proposals under review by the National Science Foundation (NSF), one for $1.200万年 and another for $4.200万年. 这两个项目都旨在创造真正的实地变革和高等教育经验 education and STEMM opportunities. 

为了1美元.200万年 project, Romulo and her colleagues put together a framework to 支持新近的博士后研究人员,促进其专业发展 in career-building skills with a focus on improving equity in STEMM.  

在三年的时间里,拟议的拨款将给予博士后学者 有机会来到UNC,在新的培训下学习并做一些调查 about 莱戈股本 at a regional public Hispanic Serving Institution. 通过支持 克服了这些不平等的参与者,研究所将培训 研究人员在如何实施公平的同时也在进行研究和实践 权益工作本身.  

“美国国家科学基金会有兴趣支持那些想要参与奖学金的人 related to STEMM education and equity specifically,” Romulo 说. “We have a history of inclusive excellence and equity work in STEMM education at UNC. 所以,我们取了一些 of the things that we know and developed it into postdoctoral training.” 

4美元.200万年 grant involves multiple universities in addition to UNC, including 新罕布什尔大学,俄勒冈州立大学,克莱姆森大学 of Colorado, Boulder.  

“有了这个遍布全国的代表和这个合作机会 和其他学者一起,我们想看看种族主义和保护科学,”纽曼说 说. 

纽曼说,该计划是收集各种障碍和机会的数据 在本科阶段与种族和性别相联系以获得晋升 graduate education and within the professional sphere of conservation.  

“所以,一旦你毕业并开始工作,无论是在学术界还是在外面, (我们想知道)你正在经历什么样的障碍和机会 to advancing and your race and gender,” Newman 说. “One of the places we decided 利用的是与DEI委员会的合作关系,这些委员会已经存在于保护领域.” 

纽曼说,目标是揭示组织在提供服务方面是如何成功的 积极的性别和种族经验,并传达这些信息和策略 to other companies and organizations.  

“我们在这次考试中使用的框架和镜头是皇冠app安卓下载安装归属感的, 但不是在个人层面上,它是皇冠app安卓下载安装感觉“我”的身份 belong,’ but instead structural belonging,” Newman 说.

纽曼说,结构归属关注的是政策、实践和文化规范 这表明一个人被接受、支持、尊重、重视和重要 对社区来说. In this case, the project will look at strategies to create structural belonging for conservation scientists based on race and gender.  

这两个研究项目都在等待批准和资助,类似于STEMM机会 Alliance efforts that Newman and Romulo engaged with at the summit last month. 而 目标是将行动落实到位,纽曼说她很高兴这些对话 surrounding inequity in STEMM fields are taking place.  

“网络带来了大量的资金、资源和机会 and drawing on each other to come up with solutions,” Newman 说. “I mean, the White 众议院正在召开峰会,试图解决不平等问题,这很令人兴奋!”
