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一罐开着的乳液霜,两个滴管和一瓶绿色药片. In the back a cannabis leaf

生物科学硕士生研究可以改善肝脏 Disease Outcomes

December 11, 2023年,皇冠app官方版下载一流的研究设施吸引了拉兹宁·乔利来到生物科学专业 M.S. – Thesis Concentration program. She was eager to learn lab techniques and research 她对韩玉燕副教授的肝脏炎症特别感兴趣 and disease research.

illustration of colorful lines, 计算机生成的女性头部图像周围的漩涡和盒子
title: transgender health subtitle: interdisciplinary research
College students standing in a hallway wearing face masks
male child smiling and climbing playground equipment
Culturally diverse nursing students in a classroom
Governor Polis signing Senate Bill 56
UNC campus aerial photo


2021年4月2日-皇冠app官方版下载2020年公共卫生硕士项目的学生有一次独特的经历 earning a graduate degree online during a global pandemic.

Health care workers giving the COVID-19 vaccine

Leprino Foods向符合条件的UNC员工提供COVID-19疫苗

March 25, 2021年,格里利当地的勒普里诺食品工厂联系了皇冠app官方版下载,提供了新冠病毒的剂量 在3月20日工厂的现场疫苗诊所中没有提及的疫苗 event. 这些剂量提供给符合资格的UNC社区成员 the state’s mandated vaccine Phase 1B.4. 

UNC and Leprino Foods logos

皇冠app官方版下载活跃学校研究所获得12.5万美元用于评估体育试点 Program and Develop Re-Entry Guidelines

December 8, 2020年,皇冠app官方版下载活跃学校研究所获得了两笔总计125美元的赠款,000 from 科罗拉多州教育局提高体育教学质量 and physical activity opportunities for K-12 students in Colorado.

Child with racket and wearing mask

Professor Receives U.S. Department of Education Grant for Rehabilitation Counseling Program

2020年10月16日-吉尔·贝扎克,人类康复服务教授和项目协调员 皇冠app官方版下载康复咨询项目的负责人,获得了五年期958778美元的资助 grant from the U.S. 教育部要增加合格职业人才的数量 rehabilitation counselors who serve individuals with disabilities.

Generic image of counseling session
Line of cars for drive-thru testing site on campus
UNC students working in health care
Drop, cover, hold on graphic
Stock image of researcher preparing vaccination
Practicing yoga remotely


2020年3月2日-在皇冠app官方版下载,每学期都有50多名食物过敏的新生和马修一起工作 皇冠app官方版下载董事会运营助理主任兼注册营养师道尔说. 食物过敏上升的原因是什么? UNC是如何应对的?

Students eating different food at Holmes

UNC Sees Low Number of Positive Influenza Cases Among Students

February 10, 2020年,皇冠app官方版下载学生健康中心的学生中只有12例确诊的流感病例 与2009-10学年相比,这一数字下降了约93%.

examination room at UNC Student Health Center
Transgender flag

Mental-Health Support for Students at the Counseling Center

2020年1月3日-皇冠app官方版下载咨询中心,位于卡西迪大厅二楼,提供免费服务 为学生、教职员工提供咨询服务和低成本精神病学服务. Watch a video to learn more about what the center offers.

Student talking to counseling at the center

UNC Researcher Shares Tips for Coping with Math Anxiety

2019年10月9日-莫莉·詹姆森,教育心理学的皇冠app官方版下载副教授,讨论数学 焦虑,它的普遍性,以及如何减轻它的影响,同时处理数学 this podcast.

Student doing math equations on a chalkboard

Examining the Link Between Housing and Mental Health in Colorado

July 22, 2019年,在科罗拉多州寻找经济适用房继续成为头条皇冠app安卓下载安装,并引起头痛 for those who live in the state; however, a UNC researcher is investigating affordable 利用地理信息系统制图技术解决住房和身心健康问题.


Singer, Songwriter and Counselor-in-Training: Sofia Softas-Nall

2019年5月20日-在这个播客中,皇冠app官方版下载研究生Sofia Softas-Nall讨论了她是如何使用 她在国立大学读研究生时所做的获奖研究 在皇冠app官方版下载心理学院帮助患有慢性身体和精神疾病的学生 Services Clinic.

Sofia playing the guitar


April 30, 2019年-皇冠app官方版下载的听力学和言语语言科学项目获得了总计60美元的资助,000 since initiating the Greeley Treasure Chest Program in 2017. The program utilizes 装满适合孩子年龄的书籍和玩具的盒子,以提高孩子的沟通能力 and language skills.

Student working with children and their mother.


March 25, 2019 — Every day, almost 25,000名15至25岁的年轻人感染了一种性传播疾病 disease. 皇冠app官方版下载公共卫生学院的研究生布里安娜·凯利计划对抗 她通过分发免费的避孕套来降低费率,这些避孕套是她从“伟大的美国避孕套”中赢得的 Campaign last fall.

Brianna Kelly holding up the box of 500 condoms she won.
Nichols presenting in front of Chinese youth athletes in Dec. 2018.

UNC's School of Nursing Makes Positive Impacts in Community

December 6, 2018年-皇冠app官方版下载护理学院深入参与了格里利的健康相关活动 因为护理专业的学生在这些活动中做志愿者是至关重要的,这样才能 服务社区,与跨学科团队合作,创造包容的文化 for those who attend the events.

Nursing students and faculty at the COMOM event in Greeley
Don Finan attached 3d ear to mannequin
photo of kids playing in field
mural created by unc graduates
kefir photo

Video: UNC Professor Addresses Hearing Loss, Prevention at CDC

June 26, 2017年,皇冠app官方版下载教授Deanna Meinke在疾病预防控制中心皇冠app安卓下载安装全球气候变化的小组讨论中说了些什么 epidemic.

Meinke presenting at CDC